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Monday, February 11, 2008

My today and Yesterday

I had the most wonderful adventure this last saturday with my best gal pal Jessie and her Cuz. We went snow shoeing up Immigration canyon here in UT. We headed out later in the day,but it was perfect, the sun was shining and not too cold. It was just so much fun being out with the girls again, I just soaked up every moment! Just seeing the sun shine off the neighboring mountains with a glow like jewels, the snow so crispy white, shimmering like diamonds, we slid down a steep hill and just had a blast. We were trying to find and old abandoned mine, but with all the snow, it proved not to be found. Instead we sat and ate snow like we did as children and shared time together. One the way back, coming around a corner about 50 ft ahead was a HUGE moose!!!! It was awsome, never have I seen such a huge wonder up close, we followed mr. moose for a time and then he was gone, only he was now staring at us from up the hill. So we hurried and got out of his way and just enjoyed the walk back to the truck. I loved every moment we had! So, much fun. I would tell of my today but I have left this note to finish for so long, I don't remember what my life was like!

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